Thursday, 31 March 2016

Social Media can make this possible

Social Media can make this possibleFor businesses in any industry, the key to victory is knowing and understanding your audience. Social media makes this conceivable, and easier to achieve than ever. With tools like Facebook and LinkedIn, you can study the dominant languages spoken among your social media audience, as well as their age and gender.
Hosted by the Pacific Business Trust and presented by business expert and author Matt Jull, CEO of My Business People,  the Social Media workshop demonstrated to more than 50 participants how Social Media can assist them not only as a professional, but market your business to other businesses and consumers.
The hands-on and very interactive workshop exposed the most significant facets of Social Media Marketing as one of the most competent ways to market and grow a business. Participants were treated to tips on how to use Social Media to find new customers and develop your audience, insight to improve market intelligence and get ahead of your competitor with Social Media and the opportunity for business owners or ambitious entrepreneur to not only build their online presence, but to also target audiences effectively.


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